Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Outline Of Clinton Policy On Health Care - 1098 Words

Summary of Clinton Policy Health Care is a topic which most Americans certainly have much concern over. Hillary Clinton herself has said that healthcare is the most important cause of her life (Clinton). This is reflected in her past and in commitment to healthcare policy should be the next president of the United States. She has spent her career working towards the expansion of Healthcare so that all families will have access to affordable and fair health insurance. One major part of her health care policy is that she seeks to improve rather than remove the Affordable Care Act (Clinton). The ACA has given many people the chance to have insurance, especially those who would have never had a chance due to preexisting conditions. It has also allowed parents to keep their children on their insurance up to age 26. Clinton recognizes the importance of the ACA, but she also sees rising costs that make it very difficult for many Americans to afford insurance. To combat rising costs, Clinton wants to increase tax credits and get insurance companies to seek enrollment more intensely which would lower costs in regards to the ACA (Clinton). Another big part of Hillary Clinton’s healthcare policy is making sure that all Americans have better affordability. Clinton recognizes that prescription costs, deductibles, and copays are all massively increasing (Clinton). One of her first acts would be to relieve heavy health cost burdens by offering a refundable tax credit of five thousandShow MoreRelatedThe 42Nd President Of The United States, William (Bill)1084 Words   |  5 PagesJefferson Clinton, had many great ideas. He was President between 1993 and 2001. Shortly after winning the election in 1992, he came up with the Health Security Act. It was meant to cover a wide variety of healthcare issues including giving benefits to all American citizens. It was so in depth that it would have affected every aspect of healthcare. Why did it fail? 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