Friday, February 28, 2020

Week 3 posts 8000 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 posts 8000 - Assignment Example In the interdisciplinary section, there should be collaboration with the information technology department. This aids in better communication gaining more knowledge and improved healthcare. With the integrative practitioner, the opportunity provides them with skills in healthcare economics, financial management, and budget management (Zaccagnini & White, 2012). Thanks for your substantive post on this week’s discussion; it is true that a DNP nurse is among the highest levels in the nursing profession (AANC, 2006). It provides students an obligation, to develop leadership qualities, impact healthcare, quality improvement, and better patient outcome. This is done through intra and interdisciplinary collaboration In your post, you explained that the collaboration promotes strengthening networks, reduction of costs and better nursing practice. It also provides an opportunity to work with scientists, medical doctors, and public officials. The examples you have continued and provided are very elaborate and comprehensive. In DNP, you showed interdisciplinary collaboration by involving information technology. On the part of PHN, there is a collaboration with public officials, physicians, teachers, and other paraprofessionals. AACN. (2006, October). Essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing:

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Annotated Biblography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated Biblography - Essay Example Like other groups such as slaves, servants and non propertied men, women were mainly understood to be deficient in the independent needed of republican citizens. Fiske, John; the American revolution, Boston: Houghton and Co, 1891. Print.. Regardless of the revolutionary pledge of equality and liberty for all individuals, neither was extended to female. Nevertheless, their lives were changed in other myriad manners. Several white women in the eighteenth century spent the whole days carrying out task around and within household. Household upkeep and management needed incredible amounts of backbreaking work, without the help of modern labor saving gadgets. Women use to sew and laundering clothes and spun wool and flax by hands. They milked cows, tendered, fed and butchered animals and churned milk into cheese and butter. They also brewed beer raised fowls and sold their eggs, preserved vegetables, and as well as producing households necessities, such as soap and candle and cooked for th eir families. Regarding to Fiske, women were not treated equally with men during the colonial peridd. Francis, Philip. Legal status of women. 2d ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1978. Print. This book seeks to explore the duties that were carried out by women during the colonial period. The main arduous and dangerous duty women used to carry was to bear children. During the middle of eighteenth century women use to gave birth to around five and eight children, mainly in between other pregnancies that ended up in miscarriage. Generally one in eight to anticipate losing their lives in childbearing, and several others lived via the experience only to watch their children die. The revolution politicized a number of these households’ duties. Women were initially drawn into the struggle as the consumers, with male patriots persuading them to indulge in the movement embargo British goods during the 1760s and 1770s. Consequently, custom domestic chores, evidenced, for inst ance, in the manner homespun clothing or the rejection to consume imported staples arise as a national defiance in contrast to British measures. The non-importation groups that promised to curtail the application of stimulate and luxuries domestic industries specifically appealed to rural women, indulging them into the resistance group for their first time. Hoffman, Peter, and Ronald, women in the age of American Revolution. Charlottesville; published by the university press of Virginia, 1989. Print. Revolutionary conflict confronted women directly. As male regarded as households leaders took up arms, a number o women assumed the duty of running business and firms alone. Across all the colonies, war stipulated steep inflation, leading to a growing militancy among those were no capable of feeding their families. Riots broke out in several towns, mainly directed at merchants who were considered to be hoarding food or inflating prices unfairly, and female led generally a third of these behaviors. Hoffman, Peter, and Ronald, women in the age of American Revolution. Charlottesville; published by the university press of Virginia, 1989. Print. In spite of women active participation in revolutionary era, women attained few new legal or political rights as a result. This was not for lack of argument around the problem of women’s role as citizens. Eighteenth century upheavals were motivated by the Enlightenment faith in worldwide human rationality and a pledge of