Sunday, December 29, 2019

Common French Words Beginning With O, P, Q, and R

Improve your French vocabulary by studying common words starting with letters O, P, Q, and R. Hear the pronunciation of these words and try saying them in context. French Words That Start With O               Word  Ã‚                                               Ã‚     Translation                                                Category O the letter O French alphabet sobstiner to insist, persist, continue to do stubbornly MdJ - O obturation obvier to take precautions against, overcome MdJ - O une occasion chance, opportunity; second-hand MdJ - O occasionner to cause, bring about MdJ - O occuper to occupy, take up, fill MdJ - O Ocane French names octobre October Calendar octroyer to grant, bestow MdJ - O Odette French names un oeil eye Body un oeuf egg Dairy des oeufs eggs Dairy oh lala un oignon onion, bulb, bunion MdJ - O Olivie Olivia French names Olivier Oliver French names une ombre shadow, shade; darkness, obscurity MdJ - O on we All about On un oncle uncle Family ondoyer to undulate, ripple, wave MdJ - O ondul (adj) - wavy Descriptions un ongle fingernail Body ont-ils do they have Liaisons onze 11 Numbers orageux (adj) - stormy Weather orange orange Colors une orange orange Fruit un ordi (inf) - computer MdJ - O un ordinateur computer Office une oreille ear Body un oreiller pillow Furniture orgueil (m) pride, arrogance MdJ - O un orteil toe Body orthographe (fem noun) spelling MdJ - O oser to dare, venture MdJ - O ou or Basic vocab o where Basic vocab ouest west Directions O est ... ? Where is...? Travel oui yes Basic vocab O se trouve ... ? Where is...? Travel un outil tool MdJ - O outrer to outrage MdJ - O ouvert (adj) - outgoing, open Personality, Travel ouvrez la bouche Open your mouth French Words That Start With P               Ã‚   Word  Ã‚                                               Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Translation     Ã‚  Ã‚                                         Ã‚  Category P the letter P French alphabet paillard (inf adj) - bawdy, coarse, lewd MdJ - P le pain bread Food le pain grill toast Food un paletot cardigan MdJ - P pallier to overcome, get round, compensate for MdJ - P un pamplemousse grapefruit Fruit une panne breakdown; failure MdJ - P le panpan spanking Baby talk un pantalon pants Clothing pantouflard (inf adj) - uneventful, quiet MdJ - P un pantouflard (inf) stay-at-home person MdJ - P la papatte paw Baby talk le papier paper Office papoter to chat MdJ - P le pappy grampa, gramps Baby talk parages (m) area, vicinity MdJ - P un parapluie umbrella Accessories le parc park Directions pardon pardon me, I beg your pardon Politeness un pare-brise windshield Driving parer to fend off, prepare for; to dress, deck out, embellish MdJ - P paresseux (adj) - lazy, idle, sluggish MdJ - P parfaire to perfect, complete MdJ - P parfois (adv) - sometimes MdJ - P le parfum perfume Love language parier to bet, wager MdJ - P parlerais speak, will speak Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? Basic vocab la parole word, speech, lyrics MdJ - P un parrain godfather; sponsor; christener MdJ - P partout everywhere; (sports) all, tie score MdJ - P parvenir to reach, achieve, manage to MdJ - P Pascal French names pas de quoi dont mention it Politeness Pas grand-chose No big deal Greetings Pas mal Not bad Greetings passager passenger le passeport passport Travel une pastque watermelon Fruit un pataqus malapropism; (slang) - muddle MdJ - P et patati et patata (inf interj) - and so on and so forth MdJ - P les ptes pasta Food patient (adj) - patient Personality le patio patio Home la ptisserie pastry shop Shopping Patrice Patrick French names Patricia Patricia French names Patrick Patrick French names le patrimoine inheritance, heritage MdJ - P patriotique (adj) - patriotic Personality Paul Paul French names Paulette French names Pauline Pauline French names paum (inf adj) lost, bewildered; poor MdJ - P paupieres eyelids payer to pay un page toll Driving la pche fishing; peach Hobbies, Fruit pdaler to pedal, (inf) - to hurry MdJ - P le peigne comb Toiletries peinard (fam adj) - cushy, easy MdJ - P la peine sorrow, sadness, trouble, effort, penalty MdJ - P peiner to comb peintre to paint peler to peel MdJ - P la pelle shovel MdJ - P la pelouse lawn, field, track MdJ - P pencher to tilt, slope, bend, lean, incline (fig and literally) MdJ - P un pendentif pendant Jewelry Pnlope Penelope French names le pp grampa, gramps Baby talk ppre (inf adj) - quiet, easy, uneventful, cushy MdJ - P un ppre (inf, baby talk) - grandad; (inf) - cute child MdJ - P percuter to strike, crash into; (fam) - to get it (e.g., a joke) MdJ - P perdre to lose un pre father Family prim (adj) - expired, out of date, invalid, outdated MdJ - P peser to weigh (lit + fig); to consider, be worth something MdJ - P ptillant (adj) - bubbly, sparkling MdJ - P petit (adj) - short Descriptions un petit ami boyfriend Liaisons le petit-djeuner breakfast Food une petite-fille granddaughter Family un petit-fils grandson Family les petits pois (m) peas Vegetables peu little les phares headlights Driving la pharmacie pharmacy Shopping pharmacien pharmacist pharmacienne pharmacist Philippe Philip French names Philippine French names photocopier to photocopy un photocopieur copy machine Office piauler to cheep, sing, whimper MdJ - P la pice room Home un pied foot MdJ - P Cest le pied ! Its great! MdJ - P un pige trap, pit, pitfall MdJ - P Pierre Peter French names piger (fam) - to twig, get it, understand MdJ - P pile (inf adv) - just, exactly, dead MdJ - P une pile pile, stack, battery, tails (on a coin toss) MdJ - P pilote pilot pinailleur (inf adj) - persnickety, fussy MdJ - P le pinard (fam) - cheap wine, plonk MdJ - P pince plier la pince ongles nail clippers Toiletries la pince fine tweezers Toiletries Pinot le pipi pee pee, urine Baby talk piqure to sting, bite; give a shot; stick, jab; prickle MdJ - P un placard cupboard, cabinet, closet; poster, notice; galley proof MdJ - P le plafond ceiling Furniture planete planet le plat dish Dishes le plat principal main course Food pleut rain pleut averse raining hard; downpour plier to fold, bend MdJ - P le plomb lead (literal and fig); lead shot, sinker (fishing) MdJ - P plombage plumbing un plombier plumber Professions plouc (adj) - dowdy MdJ - P un plouc (inf, pej) - country bumpkin, hick MdJ - P Plus lentement More slowly Basic vocab plus ou moins more or less Liaisons pluton pluto plutt (adv) - rather, sooner MdJ - P poignarder to stab, knife (literally and fig) MdJ - P le poignet wrist Body pointer to check off, clock in, aim MdJ - P se pointer (inf) - to turn up MdJ - P une poire pear Fruit un poisson fish MdJ - P la poissonerie fish store Shopping la poitrine chest Body le poivre pepper Food polmique (adj) controversial, contentious MdJ - P un policier police officer Professions la politesse politeness Politeness Polonais(e), le polonais Polish Lang + Nat Pomerol une pommade ointment, cream MdJ - P une pomme apple Fruit la pomme de terre potato Vegetables pompier firefighter le porc pork Meat le porche porch Home un portable cell phone Office une porte door Furniture un porte-documents briefcase Accessories un portefeuille wallet Accessories Portugais(e), le portugais Portuguese Lang + Nat poser to put down, to ask (a question) MdJ - P la poste post office Directions un pot jar, pot, tin, can; (inf) - drink, luck MdJ - P le potage soup Food potager (adj) - edible, vegetable MdJ - P potasser (inf) - to cram, bone up, swot MdJ - P un pote (inf) - mate, buddy, chum MdJ - P pou louse le pouce thumb, inch Body, Q + M poule hen le poulet chicken Meat la poupe stern (of a ship) MdJ - P le pourboire tip Restaurant pourquoi why Basic vocab Pourrais-je parler ... ? May I speak to ...? On the phone pouss (adj) - advanced, intensive, exhaustive MdJ - P Pouvez-vous lecrire Could you write to him/her? Pouvez-vous maider ? Can you help me? Travel pralable (adj) - preliminary, prior, previous, preceding MdJ - P un prdicateur preacher MdJ - P prejug prejudice premiere classe le premier tage 2nd floor (US), 1st floor (BR) Accommodations prendun prs (de) near (to) Directions une prsentation introduction Introductions press (adj) - in a hurry, urgent; freshly-squeezed MdJ - P le pressing dry cleaner Shopping prestations (f) benefits MdJ - P prvisible (adj) - foreseeable MdJ - P prevu (adj) - forseen, anticipated, expected, planned MdJ - P printemps spring Calendar le prix price Transportation un/e prof (inf) - teacher (short for professor) MdJ - P un professeur teacher Professions profiter to benefit, be profitable to MdJ - P profiter de to make the most of, take advantage of Verbs w/ prepositions un projet plan, draft MdJ - P un/e proprio (fam) - landlord, landlady (short for propritaire) MdJ - P prosaque (adj) - mundane, prosaic MdJ - P le prout gas, fart Baby talk provisoire (adj) - temporary, provisional, interim MdJ - P prudent (adj) - careful, cautious; wise, sensible MdJ - P une prune plum Fruit psychologie psychology la psychose psychosis; obsession MdJ - P pu could la publicit advertising, advertisement, bad publicity MdJ - P puce flea la pudeur sense of modesty, decency, propriety MdJ - P puis-je Can I puis on est arriv then we arrived Optional liaisons un pull sweater Clothing un pupitre student desk School pur pure un pyjama pajamas Clothing French Words That Start With Q                     Ã‚  Ã‚     Word  Ã‚                                                  Ã‚  Ã‚  Translation     Ã‚  Ã‚                                      Category Q the letter Q French alphabet le quai platform Transportation quand when Basic vocab Quand est-ce que When + question Liaisons quand on dcidera when we decide Liaisons quant (prep) - as for, regarding MdJ - Q quart a quarter quarante 40 Numbers quarante et un 41 Numbers quasiment (adv) - almost, nearly MdJ - Q quatorze 14 Numbers quatre 4 Numbers quatre-vingt-deux 82 Numbers quatre-vingt-dix 90 Numbers quatre-vingt-onze 91 Numbers quatre-vingt-un 81 Numbers quatre-vingts 80 Numbers Quel idiot ! What an idiot! Accent affectif Quel jour est-il ? What day is it? Dates Quel jour sommes-nous ? What day is it? Dates Quelle est la date ? Whats the date? Dates Quelle heure est-il ? What time is it? Telling time Quelle ide extraordinaire ! What an incredible idea! Accent affectif quelque part (indefinite adv) - somewhere MdJ - Q quel temps fait il What is the weather? la quenotte tooth Baby talk Que prenez-vous ? What are you having? Restaurant quest ce que je vous sers What can I get you? Que veut dire ... ? What does ... mean? Basic vocab Que voudriez-vous ? What would you like? Restaurant qui who Basic vocab Qui est lappareil ? Who is calling? On the phone quinze 15 Numbers quitter to leave MdJ - Q quoi what Basic vocab Quoi de neuf ? Whats new? Greetings French Words That Start With R                   Word  Ã‚                                               Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Translation     Ã‚  Ã‚                                         Ã‚  Category R the letter R French alphabet rabais (pej adj) - third-rate, cheap MdJ - R un rabais reduction, discount MdJ - R rabioter (inf) - to beg, mooch, scrounge, wangle, swindle MdJ - R un raccourci short cut; turn of phrase; summary MdJ - R raccrocher to hang up On the phone raconter to tell, recount MdJ - R la rade harbor MdJ - R radier to cross off, strike off MdJ - R radin (informal adj) stingy, (UK) mean MdJ - R le radis radish Vegetables raffin (adj) - refined, sophisticated, polished MdJ - R raffoler de to be keen on, wild about MdJ - R un ragot (inf) - piece of gossip (usually plural) MdJ - R ragotant (adj) - appetizing, savory (ironic) MdJ - R raide (adj) - straight Descriptions raidir to stiffen, harden, tighten, tense MdJ - R un raisin grape Fruit rlant (adj) - infuriating MdJ - R rler to moan, groan MdJ - R une rancune grudge, rancor MdJ - R une randonne drive, ride, hike MdJ - R ranger to tidy, arrange, order, put away MdJ - R rappeler to call back On the phone se rappeler to remember, recollect MdJ - R le rasage shaving Toiletries se raser to shave Toiletries le rasoir razor Toiletries le rasoir lectrique shaver Toiletries rassasier to satisfy MdJ - R rater to misfire, miss, fail, bungle, miscarry, mess up MdJ - R ravi (adj) - delighted MdJ - R ray (adj) - striped, scratched MdJ - R Raymond Raymond French names rebarbatif (adj) - forbidding, daunting MdJ - R rebours wrong way, against the nap, backwards MdJ - R un(e) rceptionniste receptionist Professions la recette recipe, formula; takings MdJ - R une rcidive second offense, recurrence, repetition MdJ - R recu recieved un recul retreat, recoil, decline, (temporal) distance MdJ - R la rdaction drafting, editing, writing, drawing up MdJ - R rdiger to write, compose, draft MdJ - R la redite needless repetition MdJ - R redoubler to increase, intensify, double, do s.t. more MdJ - R redouter to dread, fear MdJ - R un rfrigrateur refrigerator Furniture rgaler to treat, regale MdJ - R rgl (adj) - regular, stable, settled; menstruating; lined MdJ - R un rejeton descendant; (inf) - kid(botany) - shoot MdJ - R un reliquat remainder, outstanding amount, balance MdJ - R reluquer (inf) - to eye, ogle MdJ - R remarquable remarkable Bon synonyms remplacer replace remuer to move, twitch, stir, shift, shake MdJ - R Rmy French names rencler to snort; to complain, grumble MdJ - R le rendement yield, output, return MdJ - R se rendre compte to realize, be aware MdJ - R Ren (reborn) French names Rene Renee French names le renfort help, helpers MdJ - R les renforts reinforcements, supplies MdJ - R renfrogn (adj) - sullen, scowling, sulky MdJ - R renseigner to give information to; to fill in MdJ - R rentable (adj) - profitable, worthwhile MdJ - R la rente annuity, allowance; government stock/loan/bond MdJ - R le repas meal Food un repre line, marker, indicator, landmark, reference point MdJ - R reprer to spot, pick out, find; to be found out, get caught MdJ - R Rptez, sil vous plat. Repeat, please. Basic vocab un rpondeur enregistreur answering machine which takes messages MdJ - R un rpondeur tlphonique answering machine On the phone reposer to put back down, put back; rest; ask again MdJ - R les reprsailles (fem plural) - reprisal, retaliation MdJ - R rsolu (adj) resolute, resolved, determined MdJ - R le restaurant restaurant Food rsumer to summarize, sum up, epitomize MdJ - R retirer remove retors (adj) - sly, underhanded, wily MdJ - R la retraite retreat, retirement, pension MdJ - R russir to succeed, to manage to, to pass (a test) MdJ - R la revanche revenge (figurative), revenge match, return game/fight MdJ - R rvasser to daydream, let ones mind wander. MdJ - R un rveil alarm clock, waking up MdJ - R revendiquer to claim, demand, take responsibility for MdJ - R le rez-de-chausse 1st floor (US), ground floor (BR) Accommodations un rhume cold (illness) MdJ - R Richard Richard French names un rideau curtain Furniture Rien de nouveau Nothing new Greetings rigoler (inf) - to laugh, have fun, joke MdJ - R la rigueur (adv) - or even, if need be MdJ - R rincer to rinse ringard (inf adj) - corny, rinky-dink, old-fashioned MdJ - R une riposte retort, counter-attack, (fencing) - riposte MdJ - R la rise mockery, ridicule; light breeze MdJ - R le riz rice Food une robe dress Womens clothing Robert Robert French names rder to loiter, lurk, prowl MdJ - R Roger Roger French names Roland Roland French names romanesque (adj) - fabulous, fantastical, storybook, romantic MdJ - R le romanesque romantic side, romance MdJ - R un roman policier detective story, whodunit MdJ - R rompre to break (off, up) MdJ - R ronchon (adj) - grumpy, grouchy MdJ - R un ronchon grumbler, grouch MdJ - R rondement (adv) - briskly, frankly MdJ - R ronfler to snore, hum, roar MdJ - R ronronner to purr, hum (literally and fig) MdJ - R le rosbif roast beef Meat rose pink Colors ros un rosier rosebush MdJ - R roue wheel rouge red Colors le rouge lvres lipstick Toiletries rougir to turn red, to blush MdJ - R rouler to drive, be moving (traffic) Driving rouspter (inf) - to moan, groan MdJ - R rousse (informal) redhead route road un routier truck driver; truckstop MdJ - R roux (adj) - red (hair) Descriptions un ruban ribbon Accessories la rubrique (news) colum, heading, rubric MdJ - R rudement (adv) - roughly, hard, harshly; (inf) - very, terribly MdJ - R la rue street Driving Russe, le russe Russian Lang + Nat

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dem 201 - 2240 Words

Unit 4222-237 Dementia Awareness (DEM 201) Outcome 1 understand what dementia is Explain what is meant by the term â€Å"dementia† (201.1.1) Dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. These changes are often small to start with, but for someone with dementia they have become severe enough to affect daily life. Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body disease, a series of strokes or even a group of symptoms which may result from brain injury, vitamin/hormonal imbalance, drugs and alcohol. These diseases have factors in common and can cause a person to have their mental†¦show more content†¦It focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the illness, however, in its most narrow form can sometimes fail to address some other important influences on health and wellbeing. The medical model is concerned with the pursuit of cures for the disease. Outline the social model of dementia (201.2.2) The social model emphasises a broader range of factors rather than just physical ones. It places more importance on the interaction of social and biological factors in the development of dementia. It’s based on the understanding and complexity of human health and wellbeing. It takes into account the importance of supporting people who are vulnerable, and values the knowledge and understanding of those who experience dementia and their carers. It is about focussing on individuals abilities instead of their losses. There is growing evidence to show that people are adapting to living with dementia. Explain why dementia should be viewed as a disability (201.2.3) Dementia which was views as a disease is now viewed as a disability. It allows us to view people with dementia as individuals coping with their own impairment and entitled to an adequate quality of life and comfort. To do this it is necessary for us to shift our way of thinking from focusing on dementia as a disease that degenerative without a cure, to focusing on the whole person and seeing dementia as a disability of certain parts of the personsShow MoreRelatedDem 2011002 Words   |  5 PagesUnit 4222-237 Dementia awareness (DEM 201) Outcome 1 Understand what dementia is The learner can: 1. Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ 2. Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia 3. Explain why depression, delirium and age related memory impairment may be mistaken for dementia. Outcome 2 Understand key features of the theoretical models of dementia The learner can: 1. Outline the medical model of dementia 2. Outline the social model of dementia Read MoreUnit 4222-237 Dementia Awareness (DEM 201) Essay4308 Words   |  18 Pagesï » ¿Unit 4222-237 Dementia Awareness (DEM 201) 1.1 – Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’ The term dementia describes a set of symptoms which include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by numerous certain diseases. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each personRead MoreEssay on Unit 4222-237 Dementia awareness720 Words   |  3 PagesUnit 4222-237 Dementia awareness (DEM 201) 1.1 Dementia is a loss of brain function. If affects memory, thinking, language, judgement and behaviour. Dementia is progressive, so the symptoms will gradually get worse. In a later stage of dementia people will find it hard to carry out daily tasks and will come dependant on other people. 1.2 The key functions of the brain that is affected by dementia are:  · The Frontal lobe; which is to do with behaviour, the person’s personality, interpretationRead MoreFinal Essay1448 Words   |  6 Pagestime for Christmas. The revision bill was approved 224 to 201, with a few representatives not taking part in the second vote. Before the House voted, Trump on Twitter cheered the tax cuts while attacking â€Å"the Fake News† and â€Å"their friends, the defeated Dems.† (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) The Tax Cuts are so large and so meaningful, and yet the Fake News is working overtime to follow the lead of their friends, the defeated Dems, and only demean. This is truly a case where the resultsRead More The Life and Times of Claude McKay Essay2788 Words   |  12 PagesClaude McKay were constantly changing throughout his life and caused him to be the most dynamic poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Biography Claude McKay was born in Sunny Ville Jamaica on September 15 in 1880 to Thomas Francis and Ann Elizabeth McKay (Ali 201). McKay grew up in a relatively prosperous family and had British schooling in the predominantly black small town of Sunny Ville. It was in his British schooling that McKay learned about traditional forms of writing such as sonnets. However, McKay learnedRead MoreAbstract: Culture6941 Words   |  28 Pagesexpressions. The above examples present cultural differences in terminological concepts between the languages. In addition to this variation there is the basic difference of terminological conceptualisation in the sciences and in the humanities (Stolze 2003: 201) that will reflect in the texts. In the natural sciences terminology is based on exact definitions and includes methodical deduction. Every term has its place within a hierarchical system, but it is not always totally free of cultural differences inRead MoreAnalysis: Dogville30953 Words   |  124 Pagesdiskuteret som om, den udtrykker en sà ¥dan. Det er den diskrepans, der er emnet i denne rapport. 1.1 Motivation Film er levende billeder. Narrative film er historier fortalt via levende billeder – altsà ¥ en visuel gestaltning af fiktioner, som vi kender dem fra bl.a. romaner. Vores interesse var ved projektarbejdets start, hvordan disse levende billeder bliver fortalt tilskueren, og hvilken indflydelse fortà ¦lleformen har pà ¥ den mà ¥de, vi afkoder de levende billeder pà ¥ là ¦rredet. Pà ¥ et helt overordnet planRead MoreWORK BOOK Unit 13 level 2 DEM201 NCFE2382 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿WORK BOOK-J/601/2874 (DEM201) Learner Name: SHIBLU AHMED KHAN Date completed: ...................................................................... J/601/2874 (DEM 201)- DEMENTIA AWARENESS. Unit aim: This unit enables learners to gain knowledge of what dementia is, the different forms of dementia and how others can have an impact on the individual with dementia. Credit value-2 Level 2 This workbook covers the following elements: Learning outcomes: There are four learning outcomes to this unit-Read MoreMiscommunication: Phonology and Message5776 Words   |  24 Pagesunit so that there was much background noise (people talking and music). The sender arrives and tells that he never wants to do it again with Korten, which is the last name of an absent person. M: Das mache ich nie wieder mit dem Korten! A: Was machst du nicht mehr mit dem Korken? This misunderstanding can be categorized as a phonetical miscommunication. The words Korten and Korken, that means [t] and [k], are a minimal pair since they have a distinctive function and change the meaning of theRead MoreIND Holds Formulating8552 Words   |  35 Pagesudsving i hà ¸studbyttet, hvilket medfà ¸rer udsving i prisen. Produktion I forbindelse med at Rynkeby i 2008 fik store dele af Arlas svenske produktion flyttet til Ringe pà ¥ Midtfyn, blev der investeret kraftigt i produktionsfaciliteterne for at geare dem til produktionsudvidelsen. Med de nye produktionsfaciliteter har Rynkebys vist sig i stand til at minimere sine omkostninger i form af et lean-projekt samt give sig selv stordriftsfordele ved at producerer à ©t sted. Rynkebys produktion er kendetegnet

Friday, December 13, 2019

United States Department of State V. Ray Free Essays

Marquise Green United States Department of State v. Ray Part I Every year millions of young adults graduate from their respective high schools, pack up their belongings, leave their parental guided homes behind, and set off for college. The first thing that comes to mind when leaving the parents behind is their first true sense of freedom. We will write a custom essay sample on United States Department of State V. Ray or any similar topic only for you Order Now The freedom to do what they please with no curfew, no guidelines, and no pre-disposed consequences for their actions is the freedom they’ve been working hard throughout the maturing years of their childhood. Upon arrival it seems as though this is the case, but as time passes one realizes that the so called freedom they attained comes with an inherited circumstance. The privacy that you once had in the safety of your home in your bedroom is violated by the inheritance of a roommate and the dorm lifestyle. Some may not have ever had this privacy due to their initial guardians, but the fact remains, that you have to share your space, time, and livelihood with the accompanied male or female assigned. The right to privacy is protected by many laws in our country’s government. Included in these laws is the Freedom of Information Act in which the case at hand regards. In the United States Department of State v. Ray (502 U. S. 164, 112 S. Ct. 541) a group of Haitians seeking political asylum from our government, using the FOIA as a precedent for their reasoning, sought to receive the names and information withheld from them of Haitian emigrants who were previously sent back to Haiti upon arrival to the United States. The State Department in this case was known as the petitioner (plaintiff) and the respondent (defendant) was the Florida lawyer Michael D. Ray representing the Haitian nationals and his clients. In a more detailed summary, it was stated that a group of Haitians depressed with their countries devastations, sought to illegally immigrate to the U. S. seeking asylum as political refugees. As our nation’s government caught attention of the immigrants, they imposed a plan to apprehend and reinsert the immigrants of who did not qualify for political asylum back into Haiti. Fearing the immigrants’ safety from persecution upon arrival, they comprised an agreement with the Haitian government to restrain from persecuting these individuals for their actions. Also, they set forth a series of interviews with the immigrants to follow up on the agreement’s standing. This is where our case’s foreground was cemented. The remaining Haitian nationals known to be the respondents, made a series of FOIA requests to government agencies for copies of the reports of the interviews the State Department held from the returning Haitians. They wanted to prove that there was indeed a fear of prosecution upon returning to Haiti that entitled the immigrants to asylum in the U. S. The problem at hand was that some of the information they received had been redacted or edited before the Haitian nationals received them. The State Department’s reasoning is that upon assigning the agreement with the Haitian government and the returning immigrants they interviewed, they vowed that they would not disclose any information of their names and whereabouts for their safety due to an invasion of privacy. The respondents argued that the right to privacy is outweighed by public interest and the Freedom of Information Act gives them the right. The following case was settled in the Supreme Court with Justice Stevens delivering the ruling however, let us start with the District Court’s ruling. The District Court sided with the respondents and held that the invasion of privacy in this situation, giving away the names and addresses of the individuals was of little significance and was dominantly outweighed by public interest in the â€Å"safe relocation of returned Haitians. † They ordered the State Department to surrender the redacted information. Upon reaching the Court of Appeals, they too sided with the respondents though they disagreed with some of the pretenses. They first argued that the privacy of the Haitians was indeed significant given the fact that the respondents wanted the information to contact the returned Haitians directly and to question them, and second, that the returnees were previously promised confidentiality from our government. Though they argued these points, the court concluded that â€Å"the indirect benefit of giving respondents the means to locate the Haitian returnees†¦provided a public value that required disclosure. The Supreme Court then granted certiorari. Here lies a more detailed description of the FOIA. One precedent in the case was from John Doe Agency v. John Doe Corp. which it stated, â€Å"The Freedom of Information Act was enacted to facilitate public access to Government documents. † In the FOIA there are a series of 9 exemptions to disclosure of this information. These are put in place to ensure the protection of federal agencies and certain information that shouldn’t be viewed by the public. Specifically in this case, Exemption 6 was used by the State Department stating that â€Å"personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Upon further examination of the FOIA and Exemption 6 they lean to the Department of Air Force v. Rose case as a precedent for their decision. The key concept in this exemption which the Court examined is â€Å"†¦a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. † The main points that the Supreme Court derived its decision from were t hat first; they felt that public interest had initially been satisfied by the disclosure of the redacted interview summaries, and the unredacted documents would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. They felt that the addition of the redacted files would not give any further information that the respondents seek. The second, was that the public interest the respondents rely on stems from they might find information outside of the Government files, which inherits â€Å"derivative use† that which the law doesn’t stand for. And finally that the respondents were seeking to attain information with hopes to find evidence that would challenge the integrity of our government officials. The Supreme Court concluded that â€Å"the proposed invasion of the serious privacy interest of the Haitian returnees is clearly unwarranted. With that being said the judgment of the Court of Appeals was reversed. The opinion preceding the decision was made by Justice Scalia and Justice Kennedy concurring in part and in the judgment. They stated that the majority agreed that whether to establish a public interest or to establish an invasion of privacy is impermissible considering derivative uses. They contended that the FOIA would be more sensible if it included â€Å"cause, produce or lead to† when associating with clearly unwanted invasion of personal privacy. They believed that there shouldn’t have been an argument for Exemption 6. U. S. officials pledged confidentiality knowing that the information regarding the interviews is something that a person would not want to be shared, therefore an invasion of personal privacy. They conclude that there is nothing substantial about the other side’s argument for public interest that can compete, so this is â€Å"clearly unwarranted† and upholds to Exemption 6. Part II In the first case documenting my chosen case as a precedent, Long v. United States Department of Justice (778 F. Supp. 2d 222), petitioners brought action against the Department of Justice attempting to attain records relating to health care providers’ reports of vaccine administration and the reactions of the administration, specifically the vaccine types and dates. The DOJ stated that the reasoning for them withholding the information from the public was due to the FOIA’s exemption 6 regarding the personal privacy of the patients. They stated that the information would provide â€Å"specific medical information† about the named individuals. The District Court of New York held however, that even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gives right to health care providers to withhold information, the DOJ had nothing that just justified their decision to withhold the type of vaccine administered or the date of the administration. The Court also stated that the DOJ failed to satisfy the burden of justifying the withholding under Exemption 6. With these findings, the Court initially granted summary judgment in way of the plaintiff and ordered the disclosure of the information. The DOJ then motioned for reconsideration which the Court granted. In reconsideration, the DOJ requested for summary judgment on both the FOIA’s Exemption 3 and 6. First, the DOJ stated that the vaccine types and dates were withheld under Exemption 3, which exempts disclosure by statute, due to statute 300aa-12(d)(4)(A) which prohibits disclosure of this information. The plaintiffs however, argued that the meaning of the word â€Å"information† is too broad and can’t specifically relate to the subject, vaccine types and dates of administration. Further, they contradicted the definition of the word â€Å"information† as defined in the statute to the actual dictionary definition to better prove their position in the argument. Though valid in point, it couldn’t outweigh the substantiality of Exemption 6 in which we find our initial court case as precedent. Exemption 6, stated prior, exempts disclosure of â€Å"personnel and medical files and similar files,† like these, due to a â€Å"clear, unwarranted invasion of privacy. In discussion of Exemption 6, the Court stated that it is set forth to â€Å"protect individuals from the injury and embarrassment that can result from the unnecessary disclosure of personal information. Basically the Court is weighing public interest versus personal privacy like in our original court case. In regards to our previous case’s relevance as a precedent in this case, the vaccine types and dates were linked to docket numbers which revealed the names and medical inform ation of individuals that shouldn’t be disclosed. They quoted United States Dep’t of State v. Ray stating, (â€Å"disclosure of†¦ personal information constitutes only a de minimis invasion of privacy when the identities†¦ are unknown, the invasion of privacy becomes significant when the personal information is linked to particular† individuals). The Court realized that this put the information at risk of invading personal privacy and was the main factor in their final decision. In conclusion the Court ordered the reconsideration of the defendant, vacated the initial motion for summary judgment, and denied the plaintiffs cross-motion to receive the vaccine types and dates of administration. In my second case regarding my chosen case as a precedent, the FOIA’s Exemption 6 was also used to reach a decision. In Sherman v. United States Department of the Army (244 F. 3d 357) action was brought against the army to produce documents relating to service awards. These documents however, included the social security numbers of service personnel. The reasoning for Sherman’s lawsuit was because the Army redacted the SSNs from the documents pursuant to Exemption 6, knowing that this could cause risk for an unwarranted invasion of personnel privacy. The procedure for redaction was relatively expensive and the Army felt that if Sherman wanted the documents he should pay for it. Sherman argued that this was outrageous and that the documents shouldn’t have to be redacted. The U. S. District Court for Southern Texas agreed that this might be a potential personal privacy risk and ruled summary judgment in favor of the Army which later got appealed. In the Court of Appeals is where we find our case’s precedent. There were two main points in which analysis was needed, Sherman’s waiver argument and Exemption 6 balancing. In the waiver argument, Sherman, instead of contesting Exemption 6, argued that the Army uses SSNs publicly in several situations. He used recreational orders and services such as airlines, hotels, and other public organizations. Sherman backed his argument using other cases as precedent and also argued that allowing the Army to withhold material that was already released they will have power to selectively control the power of disclosure for any documents containing SSNs. The Court however, contended that even though the Sherman gave a valid argument that pertains to a group or agency, only the individual whose privacy is protected by Exemption 6 can waiver their individual privacy interests, declining Sherman’s argument. The Court then moved to balancing the sides on the Exemption 6 issue. Basically what they’re doing here is deciding whether the disclosure of SSNs is indeed â€Å"clearly unwarranted† in respects to personal privacy interest. They leaned most of their premise on Congress and the laws that protect personal privacy. In evaluation, they came to the derivative use theory and noticed that certain implications could arise from the disclosure of Sherman’s request. In Justice Scalia’s concurring opinion of United States Department of State v. Ray Scalia states â€Å"†¦solely upon what the requested information reveals, not what it might lead to. † What this means in assessment is that the Army’s claim for defense is because this information could potentially lead to harm to the individuals through the possibility of identity fraud. In the conclusion of the analysis the Court claims that the redaction of the SSNs does not stop the public interest of attaining the award orders. Rather, it protects the individuals from an unwarranted invasion of their personal privacy. In Sherman’s argument he failed to identify that public interest (in the SSNs) would outweigh the personal privacy of the individuals through an unredacted disclosure. The Court reached a decision to affirm the districts court’s summary judgment in favor of the Army. How to cite United States Department of State V. Ray, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Negative and Positive Impact of the Online Shopping Free-Sample

Question: Discuss about the Online Shopping. Answer: Introduction With more and more clients shifting to online shopping, local shops or physical retailers must evaluate what is making the consumers migrate online. In case it is foot traffic stores which are missing, local shops must make shopping an experience and not a chore. In case customers, particularly millennials, are to spend their ample time in local shops, they must feel stimulated as well as engaged (Jones Livingstone, 2015). Taking risk as well as assigning budgets channeled to experiential marketing along with technologies shall get customers out of chesterfield and into fitting rooms. In attempt to establish a digital retail experience, local shops need to look to omni network shopping attempts in respective stores. Local shops have witnessed a quick growth in the online sales in foregoing years. Mega e-tailer Amazon in 2005 saw ninety-seven percent rise in sales year-over-year. Whereas this enormous rise in online shopping is assisting uphold retail business flooded, it is further eating away at the incomes at the brick and mortar stores (Jones Livingstone, 2015). The one click online shopping familiarity permits clienteles to purchase the whole newfangled closet with ease. Shopping online further implies needless to step outdoor of potential customers coziness precinct plainly, and for particular customers, this is worth more than any given corporeal local shops experience might over provide. Statistics show that in first half of 2015, there was a net loss of 144 local shops compared to a rise of 289 local shops in 2014 due to increase in online shopping as revealed by The Local Data Company and British Independent Retailers Association. Specifically, Wales heading for largest suffering as most number of stores are expected to close, with twenty-nine percent of high-street shops being at danger succeeded by northwest, with twenty-eight percent of stores expected to close. On the backdrop of this background, it remains imperative to examine as well as comprehend what the local shops can proactively do to thrive the ever growing online shopping that has really eaten into their sales volume. This will help fill the disparity in the literature empirically and methodologically to by showing the losses that local shops have undergone and advance from this background to present effective strategies that will help them survive the declining sales volume (Jensen, Orquin Bech-Larsen, 2014). Aims and Objectives The aim of this study is to delve deeper in the decline of the local shops sales as a result of the growing negative impact of the online shopping and present the alternative solution that local shops can use to thrive this effect in a proactive manner. In meeting the above aim, certain specific objectives have been highlighted below: To establish the effects of the growing online shopping on local shops To find out the effective mechanism of exploring the above acknowledged effects on a bigger perspective to provide the strategic scheme which shall inform the recommendation as to the establishment of proactive scheme to thrive despite the increasing online shopping Brief Methodoology A systematic review of literature will be undertaken to avail the secondary data. The data will be drawn from the online sources including peer reviewed articles and books. The inclusion criteria will be those information published between the years 2013 and 2017. Only the peer reviewed articles will make it to the list of sources to be reviewed. The references listed at the bottom of every article will also be tracked and reviewed as a counter reference to balance the information derived from these article. Unstructured interview will also be used to gather the primary data from the local shops owners. The main question that will be asked is to show the effects of increased online shopping on their sales volume. This interview will specifically focus on the sales and marketing departments. Once both data have been collected, the cleaning of data will be done and then overlapping information eliminated to allow for thematic analysis to transfer data to useful information for consumption. These studies have given specific essential key indicators which are helpful in measuring sales decline among the local shops sales volumes in advance to enable the local shops design and implement thriving proactive strategies to survive the effects of the growing effects of online shopping on sales volumes of the local sales (Conroy, Cutler Weiler, 2015). The research deign used a mixed method in the collection and subsequent analysis of the data. The qualitative used to collect the secondary sources and corresponding analysis. The quantitative method will be used to collect the primary data and then perform a quantitative analysis. References Conroy, T., Cutler, H., Weiler, S. (2015). The State?Level Impacts of Enforcing Sales Taxes for E?retail Purchases. Growth and Change. Jensen, B. B., Orquin, J., Bech-Larsen, T. (2014). What distinguishes passive recipients from active decliners of sales flyers?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(1), 1-8. Jones, C., Livingstone, N. (2015). Emerging implications of online retailing for real estate: Twenty-first century clicks and bricks. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 17(3), 226-239. Kimpel, M., Friedrich, C. (2015). The right pricing strategy for offline retailers when expanding into the online sales channel. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 9(2). Morganti, E., Dablanc, L., Fortin, F. (2014). Final deliveries for online shopping: The deployment of pickup point networks in urban and suburban areas. Research in Transportation Business Management, 11, 23-31. Sinha, P. K., Gokhale, S., Rawal, S. (2015). Online retailing paired with KiranaA formidable combination for emerging markets. Customer Needs and Solutions, 2(4), 317-324.